
Frank Ocean Show in Dallas

sloppy last minute paint job, channeling orange.
I prayed and I prayed and God answered me with some last minutes tickets to Frank's show in Dallas. Saying it was amazing would be an understatement. We had to push our way through crazy traffic, then we had to push our way through the crazy line outside the building, then we had to wait for over an hour, but once Frank came out nothing else mattered. (no pun intended) We found our selves in the middle of the crowd and to me that was the perfect place, because we were at the center of all the emotion and the inexplicable vibe that possessed the crowd. His presence, his voice, his pain, his amazing performance made me fall more in love with him as if I didn't adore him enough. I heard someone say that he <s>was<s> is magic and I think that that is the best way to describe it, to describe him. Thanks Frank for an inspiring, dare I say life changing, show!


Lots has happened since I last updated, including this. *dusts shoulders*